Crypto is complex. We make it simple.

Ratings Explained

Crypto is complex.
We make it simple.

CryptoEQ’s fundamental analysis provides everything needed to make up-to-date and informed decisions regarding the quality of a digital asset in this ever-evolving and revolutionary industry. The analysis encompasses a proprietary rating system coupled together with the experience and expertise of CryptoEQ’s Core Fundamentals Team for a comprehensive, nuanced, and tactful market outlook in an industry riddled with unreliable data.

The 5 Core Ratings

Gold - The highest rated assets with notable advantages across the 10 Core Categories and has earned the analysts’ highest level of confidence. Considered the lowest risk.

Silver - The second highest rated assets with advantages across many but not all of the 10 Core Categories and gives the analysts a high level of confidence. Considered moderate risk.

Bronze - The third highest rated assets with advantages that outweigh the disadvantages across the 10 Core Categories and gives the analysts a sufficient level of confidence. Considered high risk.

Neutral - Assets that have scored below average on the 10 Core Categories but do not display any obvious deficiencies .

Deficient - Assets where at least one major issue has been identified in the 10 Core Categories that outweighs any benefits.

10 Core Categories

Use Case





Network Effects


User Experience


Road Map

  • The core analyst rating is a forward looking qualitative research system that uses the 10 Core Categories to derive a rating based on the asset’s current use case.
  • The core analyst rating is based on the analyst’s conviction in the asset’s ability to fulfill its stated use case, capture value, and grow its network effects.
  • Our Core Ratings are separate from technical analysis and price actions.
  • All content in our core reports represents the opinions of the Core Analyst Team and is for informational purposes only and is not investment advice. The Core Analyst Team has obtained all information from sources they believe to be reasonably reliable and accurate. However, all information provided by CryptoEQ is presented “as is,” and does not have a warranty of any kind – whether expressed or implied. Reports are prepared as of the date(s) indicated and may become unreliable because of changes in the market or economic circumstances.
  • Please consider all digital assets rated on this site as highly speculative investments that are much riskier than traditional investments like stocks and bonds. All investors should conduct their own due diligence, with assistance from professional legal, financial and tax experts prior to making any investment decision.
  • Any investment involves substantial risks, including, but not limited to, complete loss of principal, pricing volatility and inadequate liquidity. Core Reports may turn out to be incorrect and may be affected by inaccurate assumptions, uncertainties, unknown risks, and other factors.